Here’s the Link. Thank You, Amy Lange and Fox 2 News

31 05 2011

Amy Rauch Neilson kisses her son Theo. Credit: WJBK |

Local Mother Fights Inspiring Battle with Cancer for the Second Time
She blogs about her experience despite chemo

By Amy Lange | FOX 2 News

(WJBK) – A local wife, mother – and cancer survivor – is fighting her toughest battle yet.

Her message is both inspiring and informative.

Five-year-old Theo never wants to leave his mother’s side. There’s always time for another hug or another kiss.

It’s that kind of time that his mother, 42-year-old Amy Rauch Neilson, is fighting for.

“It terrifies me,” Amy said. “I don’t want him to grow up without a mom.”

“He needs his mom, and I need my wife,” said her husband Don.

For Amy and Don, a fight they thought they had already won has once again reared its ugly head. Amy was first diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2006. It was stage one, a lump the size of a blueberry in her left breast.

But because she’s a carrier of the BRCA1 gene mutation that predisposes her to breast and ovarian cancer, Amy went to the extreme to ensure this cancer would gone for good.

She underwent a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Then later, doctors removed her ovaries and fallopian tubes. This made her sure that she’d be cancer free forever; a wife and mother with a healthy future.

Then, in January of this year, after a day of winter fun with her family, she made a devastating discovery.

“I flopped down on a coach and I pulled a blanket up and I felt this lump,” Amy recalls. “And I put my hand down my shirt and I’m like – what could this possibly be?”

Amy had a biopsy the very next day, which was Monday. By Wednesday Amy knew that it was cancer again.

But this time it was stage four, and it had spread into her chest wall, her lymph nodes and both of her lungs.

“Sometimes I wake up and it still seems surreal to me,” Amy said. “Like is it really possible that I’m waking up into this world where I have stage 4 breast cancer and I really am in treatment for this and my life is really in jeopardy?”

Amy says those thoughts are overwhelming.

Cancer killed Amy’s grandmother and mother.

Her sister Julie is a two-time cancer survivor. Her other sister Lisa is also a carrier of the gene, and she also had a double mastectomy and her ovaries removed as a preventative measure.

Now – they know – it’s no guarantee the cancer won’t come.

Amy’s on a mission to make sure people are aware. She writes a blog called It’s In The Genes, and she has subscribers in all 50 states, as well as 17 countries.

“I want to share this story with as many people as I can reach – to give them hope – to give them inspiration and they give it back to me because I feel connected,” Amy said.

Connected during such an uncertain time. Amy is currently undergoing chemo treatment, and she says nobody really has the answer to when she’ll be done – or if she’ll be done.

The good news is, she’s feeling better and her doctor says cancer treatment is advancing so fast there is hope she can manage this, like hypertension or diabetes – even at stage four.

Amy’s not letting it slow her down one bit. She joined her team, “Amy’s Walking Angels” at last weekend’s Race For The Cure.

She carried little Theo in her arms.

“I believe I’m going to survive – and I tell him that I’m going to be okay – Mommy’s going to be okay.”

After all – there’s so much to live for.

To view the piece that appeared on Fox 2 News last night, go to:

Editor’s Note: A special thank you to Amy Lange, cameraman Larry and their Team at Fox 2 News for sharing a story that I hope will save lives. Amy, you really are an angel.



23 responses

31 05 2011
Kristi Rugh Kahl

Tears the first and second time watching it. Amy, you are truly an inspiration to us all and together we will win this battle! Theo’s a lucky little boy to have you and I know you will be here to watch him graduate high school, college and see him get married. And I’ll be right there by your side watching with you! Then we’ll be rockin’ in our chairs on a porch somewhere on a lake………xoxo

31 05 2011
Amy Rauch Neilson

I love you so, Kristi Lynn Rugh! You are the best bff I could ever ask for! Rocking chairs it is!

31 05 2011

Nicely done!

31 05 2011
Paul Vachon

Amy, I saw the piece on FOX 2 last night. Please remember that every day when I read your blog post I take a moment to say a brief prayer for you.


31 05 2011
Amy Rauch Neilson

Thank you, Paul. Prayers are what I need.

31 05 2011

Amy, my prayers are with you. Also, look at an MD’s personal experience with breast cancer: Dr. Lorraine Day. Her website is


31 05 2011
Susan Ager

You sure don’t look sick. You look 150 percent alive and engaged. (And the times when you don’t look or sound that way can be our little secret.) Love to you, pal.

31 05 2011
Carol Phillips

Just saw the news clip. What a testimony. Praying for you.

31 05 2011
Karen J. H.

Saw you on the news last night. Channel 2 did a great job. My prayers for you and your family will keep coming.

31 05 2011

Just finished watching your story on the news. You are a true example of bravery and a remarkable wife and mother. Indeed, a lesson to everyone who takes life for granted! All the best to you and your family!

31 05 2011

Amy I just saw the interview on Fox 2. I am also a cancer survivor, and I also have the Braca gene. ( I have Braca 2) I just wanted to say that you are a true inspiration and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Take care.

31 05 2011

My prayers go out 2 you and your family Amy.

31 05 2011
Deborah Ann Peters

The news clip was great. You are such an inspiration to many!! You are a beautiful person, inside and out as it shows with your love for Theo and Don. Fox 2 did a very good job of sharing your story with others. God Bless you girl.

31 05 2011
Amy Lange

It was a pleasure telling your story, Amy – I’m excited for the positive and powerful updates we’ll bring our viewers about your amazing resilience and recovery! Sending light!

31 05 2011

Oh, tears that just keep coming. I saw this blog on the news and it’s just so heartbreaking that you have to deal with this at your young age. Your son is so sweet and needs his mommy! I pray you heal!

31 05 2011
Tricia Colwell (Smith)

Amy, my mom was over this afternoon visiting, I had the TV on and caught a glimpse of you and promptly yelled hey there’s Amy. I had no idea the reason you were on, tears and disbelief the instant we heard the cancer was back. I am so sorry. I have a new baby boy myself now and I could not imagine him having to be without me. You, Donny and Theo are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can do to help in ANY way please don’t hesitate to ask. I know in my heart you will beat this. You are entirely too strong-willed not to!

31 05 2011

You are an amazing example of strength and poise. It’s an honor to send you my prayers now at this moment and into your long future. Sending you strength to hold in your pocket for when you need it most. Ava

1 06 2011

Amy, you are alway in my thoughts and prayers! Kelly

1 06 2011
Jennifer Bopp Stegbauer

What a great job they did on this piece! I could feel the emotions welling up inside. I am also happy to see your doctor speaking, now I can place a face with her name. It is also good for people to get a view into what a chemo therapy room can look like. I loved all the photos they showed also!

2 06 2011

I am late viewing your piece but what a great job they did Amy. As you know this made me tear up at my work desk….!
I am always thinking of you and know there is a great future on its way for you and family.

2 06 2011
raffaela tramontano

have had cancer 4 different times in 7 years. started as breast went to chest wall treated with chemo 2nd time put in remission but then a year later chest wall and brain cancer that was one year ago. still on chemo but less each time. last pet scan i had i was in remission sure hope remission for good but you never know when you have this horrible disease. have to think positive and look at the good side even if it is hard to do sometimes. i pray for everyone that has this horrible disease every day. hope someday there can be a cure just seens to be so much out there lately. god bless all of you and better days are coming rae tramontano

2 06 2011
christopher hudson

Amy I want to thank you for your peice on fox 2. I will be praying for you along
with my church. Please consider other ways to be totally healed of this cancer.
Our church have a healing school which 100% rate of cure with commitment,
so many stage 4 cancers have been erased by God’s word. We will show you how to be rid forever of these evil diseases and each family member. We will teach
you how cleanse the family’s gene forever. Also how to safeguard your children
and know your children will NEVER have to deal with this family burden
313 622 8624 cell
church prayer line 24hrs 1-800-541-7729
forever! everythings free we love you

6 06 2011
WendyH from FLX

You looked so beautiful in this report! Sending tons of virtual hugs and prayers to you and your family, Amy!
My husband & I wear your yellow bracelets every day 🙂


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