Scared and Weepy

27 03 2012

That was the text message I received from Amy this morning…Scared and weepy.  While she is thrilled to be in her own home, surrounded by her loved ones, she’s headed back to Beaumont today for another radiation treatment.  Yesterday they did the radiation only on her brain but today they will do the brain and spine.   Thus, the feelings of fear, sadness and exhaustion are filling up inside our dear sweet Amy.   Today’s treatment is at 12:38pm, so will you please join me in praying for her, sending powerful thoughts, warmth, love and hope. 

I also want to THANK YOU for reaching out and sending Amy cards, photos, and money.  She has received 100 cards thus far and I’m certain that number will double in the next week.  They are coming from all over the US as well as other countries!  Amy truly has touched so many lives and now you are touching hers.  I wish all of you could see her face when she opens the cards, it’s priceless.  It’s so uplifting for her and she personally reads every single one of them.  The colorful cards, pictures and hand-made drawings are now hanging on the wall in her room and around her bed so that she can feel the love that was enclosed in each one!

Keeping the faith,

Kristi Rugh Kahl

on behalf of Amy and family

Home and Happy!

25 03 2012

Woot woot! I’m home sweet home as of Friday night.

Between Don, insurance co and hospital, we were able to get excellent home health care on call 24-7. They also taught Don how give me IV drugs etc.

Short blog just to update. More later. I have double vision at times, so I need to work around that.

Nothing better than being in my home, the sweet scents of spring coming in through the screens, the hustle bustle of my friends and family bringing in groceries or prepping a meal, giggles floating through the air like so many wands of bubbles.

Copyright 2012, Amy Rauch Neilson

Amy’s Great Escape

20 03 2012

ImageYes, she did it.  She escaped…even if it was to the hospital atrium.  It’s the small things in life that can bring such joy.   Amy, Don, Theo, Amy’s sisters, Julie and Lisa and cousin Lori got to spend part of Sunday like so many of us do, having family time.   They laughed and took turns playing hide and seek with Theo’s squishy rubber colorful frogs.  And he displayed them ever so symmetrically on his mommy’s shirt; as you can see in the picture above.   The big fluffy pillows in the atrium gave Amy great comfort but paled in comparison to the love and warmth she felt surrounded by her loved ones.

Since then, Amy is improving each day.  She’s eating a regular diet and has two of the five radiation treatments this week behind her.  To be on the safe side, the doctors and Amy will see how the rest of the week goes but are once again hopeful that she will be able to go home after Friday’s treatment.  Her radiation is at 1:30pm all week so please continue to set your watches and join us in praying and sending positive warmhearted thoughts.

ImageTonight, Amy opened a batch of cards that already came in the mail.  She was amazed how fast these arrived and was delighted with the compassionate, inspirational and loving messages inside.  The generosity of strangers, now virtual friends, friends from childhood, Facebook friends, distant family members and a friend of a friend, is incredible!  As you can see in the picture, her bleak hospital room is coming to life with the colorful cards and photos that she is receiving.  Please keep them coming!  They will continue to be uplifting during her battle. 

Please mail to:

Amy Rauch Neilson Benefit

PO Box 580

Milford, MI  48381

We are all so grateful for your support!

Kristi Rugh Kahl

On behalf of Amy and her family



It’s Photo / Card Shower Time!

18 03 2012


Sadly, since Thursday night, Amy began vomiting again through Friday night, every 2 hours.  They put her back on IV meds and by Saturday morning she was feeling better and able to eat all day Saturday and Sunday.  However, she is now seeing double out of her right eye.  Neurologist have been in to see her every day and still confirm that surgery is not needed right now.  Keeping food down and getting the radiation treatments is still the plan.  If that means staying in the hospital then that’s what Amy will do.  But we all know how sterile white those rooms can be so what better way to lift Amy’s spirits and bring a ray of light and hope into her room and life than through a PHOTO / CARD SHOWER!  We all know so much about Amy and she would love to know about you, her global supporters, friends and family.

Below is a PO Box address that was opened for Amy.  Please send a photo, a card, or a little piece of your life to share with Amy.  So many have asked what they can do for her and believe me, this will mean the world to Amy.   She’s not just a woman fighting for her life with Stage 4 cancer, she’s an amazing mother, loving wife, sweet sister, funny aunt and kind hearted friend who would do anything for anyone.  Amy is beautiful inside and out, a talented writer and has a wonderful soul.  And don’t forget her crazy, sometimes quirky sense of humor! 

In addition to the PO Box we still have a bank account open for the Amy Rauch Neilson Benefit.  I witnessed first hand this week how mounting her medical bills can be.   Being self employed and paying for your monthly coverage, large deductible and co-pays really do add up.  If you want to enclose a check with your card, please make it payable to the Amy Rauch Neilson Benefit and I will see that it goes directly to her medical bills. 

PO BOX 580

Milford, MI  48381

Thanks soooo much for your support, love and prayers.  Reading the replies and seeing how many view her site everyday is so overwhelming.   She is so adored and loved it’s a wonderful thing to witness.

Keeping the faith,

Kristi Rugh Kahl

On behalf of Amy and her family

Making Progress

15 03 2012


Our strong, brave Amy is doing it again…making progress, one day at a time!  For the past two days, Amy has been able to keep food down and get the radiation treatments she needs.  And since this morning, she has been on oral meds.  This is fabulous news as it will allow her to go home, be with her family, snuggle in her own bed and enjoy the beautiful life she and Don have created.  She hopes to go home on Saturday.  Discovering that radiation can bring on a migraine for Amy, she now knows that after the treatments it’s important to keep the lights off and have her room quiet.  To help with this, she’s now sporting her new “blue bug eyes” as shown in the picture on her forehead.  Whatever it takes Amy will do it. Tonight she got a special visit from her adorable little boy Theo (see picture).  What a special moment for mother and son!  Only happy tears tonight 🙂 

Tomorrow at 1pm will be Amy’s final radiation treatment for the week, so set those watches again and together we will echo in God’s ears!

Written on behalf of Amy – who can’t wait to blog soon herself.

Ups and Downs

13 03 2012

On the up side, Amy said she felt the love and support of everyone on Monday during her radiation treatment; so keep those positive vibes and prayers coming!  On the down side, Amy was admitted to the hospital this morning due to nausea and tailbone pain.  Unfortunately she’s not able to keep the oral meds down when she is home so for now being in the hospital with IV meds is what she needs.  Another up, Amy was able to eat lunch today but then a down, the vomiting resumed around dinner time.  The doctors are trying to find that perfect remedy for her.  Maybe a patch?  Amy didn’t get radiation today but we hope they find a solution to calm her stomach and will try to do radiation tomorrow.   Up again, her sister Julie flew in and got to visit with Amy and their other sister Lisa.  Lisa will spend the night with Amy in the hospital (like they used to do as kids, side by side in beds).  As we know, there’s nothing better than family when you feel so horrible and having all three together is a dose of happy medicine.  Don has been an amazing husband, at Amy’s side every step of the way as well as a devoted father to their adorable son Theo.  They are a beautiful, kind and loving family 🙂

As we continue on this rollercoaster, we can’t express our gratitude enough for all the love and support from her family and friends.


Kristi Rugh Kahl

On behalf of Amy and her family

Synchronize your watch for 2:45pm this week

12 03 2012

Starting today, Monday, 3/12/12, at 2:45pm, for 45 minutes lets all join together by saying and sending prayers, support, love, light and positive uplifting messages for Amy.  She will be in radiation during this time today through Friday.  In unison, we can make a difference and I know she will feel the power of our love and support.


Kristi Kahl

Guest Blog by Kristi Kahl

10 03 2012

To say the least, Amy has had a rough week.  After being admitted to the hospital on Monday with severe tailbone pain, this lead to 2 MRI’s and the discovery of mets not only in her tailbone but also in her spinal fluid and brain.  Not wasting any time, the radiation team moved into action and fitted Amy for a “mask” that will be worn during the next 6 weeks – 5 days a week for radiation on her tailbone, spine and brain.  This treatment is aggressive but that’s what we need to do to fight this monster.  Unfortunately, the fitting of the mask caused Amy to have a migraine which lead to her vomiting for 24 hours.  But the treatments must go on and that is what our trooper Amy did.  She got in 2 of the 29 treatments on Thursday and Friday.  Thankfully she was able to get some sleep Friday night and on Saturday was able to keep food down and was released from the hospital that afternoon.  Nothing better than being in your own home, snuggling with your husband and son.

The love and support of her family and friends is what keeps her going.   Whether you know her personally or not, please continue to pray for Amy and support her family.  She needs us now more than ever as she continues this battle.  I am truly honored and blessed to be one of her best friends and the impact she has had on my life is amazing.  I know many of you feel the same. 

Kristi Kahl

Status Update: Radiation

7 03 2012

Results from yesterday’s MRI show the bone mets have grown, thus my severe back pain. I have another MRI of my upper back shortly, then the radiology team will put together a plan. I will stay in the hospital one mote night and start radiation tomorrow.

Prayers please needed, now more than ever.


Third Time is a Charm?

5 03 2012

That’s what I’m hoping for. I was admitted to the hospital again this afternoon. Third time in a month. They are running tests to find out why I am so fatigued I can barely get out of bed and I have a lot of pain in my tailbone and lower back. I’m headed for an MRI shortly.

Please pray they figure it out, there’s an easy fix and that I go home soon with my old energy back. Please also pray for my hubby Don and little Theo. It is so hard for a six year old to understand why Mommy is in the hospital so much.

It’s also hard for me. Please pray I can find inner peace and strength to get me through.
