Status Update: Catch Fox 2 Promo

29 05 2011

The piece Amy Lange did on me and my family and breast cancer is a go for tomorrow night, Monday (Memorial Day) during the 10 p.m. newscast. Fox 2 News is running promos on this morning’s newscast — catch one if you can!

Copyright 2011, Amy Rauch Neilson



6 responses

29 05 2011
Paul Vachon

I’ll be looking for it, Amy.

29 05 2011

Can’t wait. I’ll be watching.

30 05 2011
Linda Martin-Seng

I hope you’ll take time to read a book and check into some alternatives that have excellent rates of recovery for people with your type of cancer. The book is Knockout-Interviews with doctors who are curing cancer and how to prevent getting it in the first place, by Suzanne Somers. Her research and the doctors in her book are nothing short of miracles themselves.
All of the doctors mentioned have excellent success with alternatives…nothing is 100%, but their numbers are way higher than the traditional protocols. Seriously look at this please…it may save your life. Best wishes!

30 05 2011

Hi just wanted to say I have had breast cancer twice. Once at the age of 40 and the other at the age of 52. Both times I had had a mammogram and both times nothing showed in the mammogram. The second time I was lucky enough to have an MRI and it showed the cancer. I just want women to know that having a mammogram doesn’t necessarily show a cancer. Unfortunately insurance doesn’t always cover MRI’s. What can we do to fight this? Were losing lives that don’t need to be lost!! We gotta band together and fight the system. MRI is the most valuble testing we have for cancer survivors and for daughters of women who have had cancer.

30 05 2011
Maija Kibens

Amy, Bob and I watched it and it was awesome — a really wonderful picture of both the message you want to be sure other women hear and the spirit with which you are going through this, the spirit which will flow from you to anyone who saw this. Beautifully done!

30 05 2011
John Parks

Good evening Amy and Donnie,

My name is John Parks, (J.P.), Donnie and I went to Jr. High and High school together and lived around the corner from one another in Inkster as kids.

I saw the piece on channel 2 this evening and want you to know that my family and I are thinking about you, and lift you up in prayer.

I don’t know what to say Don; Although it’s been a few years, the second I saw your wife and heard a couple of words, I knew it was you and your family, and startled Sherry, when I yelled upstairs to her after listening to the piece for a minute.

I know we are a little late, but congratulations to you and your wife on your son, he’s big, and handsome!!

Donnie, when you get a quick moment, with all that is going on, please e-mail me at:, so that I can get a hold of you.

Sherry and I would like to know what we can do to support Amy in her fight against Cancer.

As Amy said in her blog, “there are many things happening all around us”, and those that love us are always with us and, watching out for us, And it’s true.

Coincidentally, I was just thinking about you and your wife yesterday morning, realizing it had been a while since we last spoke and then I see you on T.V. this evening.. please drop me a line when you can.

Again, our prayers are with you Amy and Donnie.



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